of condition 2 of permitted application 19/00603/FULM seeking
amendments to external appearance, landscaping, internal
arrangements, substation, refuse and cycle stores
House Fulford RoadYorkYO10 4EG
application related to a variation of condition 2 of permitted
application 19/00603/FULM, seeking amendments to the external
appearance, landscaping, internal arrangements, substation, and
refuse and cycle stores in respect of the erection of 6no.
purpose-built 4 storey student accommodation buildings. The
proposal included an increase in the heights of blocks E, F and G.
The maximum additional height for block E was 25mm at the ridge,
although it was proposed to raise the eaves by 205mm. The maximum
additional height for block E was 25mm at the ridge, although it
was proposed to raise the eaves by 205mm. The maximum additional
height for block F was 300mm at the ridge, and for block G 315mm at
the ridge. Planning permission was refused at Planning Committee on
the grounds that the proposed increase in height was considered to
cause an unacceptable impact on the neighbouring properties at
Kilburn Road due to the degree of overshadowing and loss of outlook
which would harm their residential amenity. The Inspector noted
that the separation distances of blocks E, F and G from the houses
on Kilburn Road are 36 metres, 43 metres and 42 metres
respectively. The Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment
submitted with the application found that none of the houses on
Kilburn Road lay within the extent of potential significant effect
in terms of daylight, sunlight or overshadowing and that the
proposal would comply with industry standard BRE guidelines.
Turning to any loss of outlook, the Inspector noted that the
increase in height is relatively modest when compared to the scale
of the development which already has planning permission. In
addition, the blocks are a substantial distance from the rear of
the properties on Kilburn Road. He concluded that the proposed
increased block heights would not have an unacceptable effect on
the living conditions of occupiers of properties on Kilburn Road
with specific regard to overshadowing and loss of outlook. The
appeal was allowed.